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Filter an Invoice

Filtering Invoices

There can be a large number of invoices available at a time. Filtering helps you find the desired invoices easily in a large list. You can filter the invoices based on any of the following statuses:

  • Pending: Displays the invoices for which the amount is pending or not paid yet.
  • Paid: Displays the invoices for which the amount has been paid.
  • Overdue: Displays the invoices for which the due date has been passed but the amount is not paid yet.
  • Archived: Displays the invoices that have been archived.

To filter invoices:

  1. In Invoices section, click Filter at the top right of your screen.

    A dropdown displays.

  1. From the dropdown, check the desired statuses to filter the invoices list.

    The invoices will be filtered based on your selection.